About me

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Simons Institute at Berkeley hosted by Prof. Umesh Vazirani. I completed my PhD in Computer Science at Columbia University advised by Prof. Henry Yuen. My research is focused on the interplay between quantum information and optimization particularly in the context of noncommutative polynomials, approximation algorithms, and hardness.

You can download my CV here. You can find a Q&A with me here.


  • New investigation into noncommutative CSPs, with E. Culf, T. Spirig, FOCS 2024, arXiv:2312.16765 and an updated version here.

  • Synchronous Values of Games, with J. Helton, S. Nezhadi, V. Paulsen, T. Russel, Annales Henri Poincaré (1-41) 2024 and Tsirelson Memorial Workshop 2022, arXiv:2109.14741.

  • Nonlocal Games, Compression Theorems, and the Arithmetical Hierarchy, with S. Nezhadi, H. Yuen, QIP plenary talk 2022 and STOC 2022, arXiv:2110.04651.

  • On the complexity of zero gap MIP*, with S. Nezhadi, H. Yuen, ICALP 2020 and TQC 2020, arXiv:2002.10490.

  • A generalization of CHSH and the algebraic structure of optimal strategies, with D. Cui, A. Mehta, S. Nezhadi, QIP 2020 and Quantum (4, 346) 2020, arXiv:1911.01593.

  • Decision algorithms for Fibonacci-automatic words, III: Enumeration and abelian properties, with C. Fei Du, L. Schaeffer, J. Shallit, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (27:943–963) 2016, available here.

  • Decision algorithms for Fibonacci-automatic words, II: Related sequences and avoidability, with C. Fei Du, E. Rowland, L. Schaeffer, J. Shallit, Theoretical Computer Science (657:146–162) 2017, arXiv:1406.0670.

  • Decision algorithms for Fibonacci-automatic words, I: Basic results, with L. Schaeffer, J. Shallit, Theoretical Informatics and Applications (50:39–66) 2016, available here.

  • A new approach to the paperfolding sequences, with D. Goc, L. Schaeffer, J. Shallit, 11th Conference on Computability in Europe CIE 2015, springer.

  • Mechanical proofs of properties of the tribonacci word, with J. Shallit, 11th International Conference WORDS 2015, arXiv:1407.5841.

  • Shortest repetition-free words accepted by automata, with J. Shallit, 15th International Workshop, DCFS 2013, arXiv:1304.2959.

  • On the number of unbordered factors, with D. Goc, J. Shallit, 7th International Conference LATA 2013, arXiv:1211.1301.

  • Repetition avoidance in circular factorsm, with J. Shallit, 17th International Conference DLT 2013, arXiv:1212.0052.

  • Filtrations of formal languages by arithmetic progressions, with J. Shallit, Fundamenta Informaticae (123:135–142) 2013, arXiv:1112.3758.

Preprints and Manuscripts


I wrote the first version of Walnut, an automated theorem prover, back in 2013. Prof. Jeffrey Shallit keeps an updated list of research papers that over the years have used Walnut here.